Changing OS on master node


I’ve made a kubernetes cluster on rancher with 1 master and 3 workers. They were all using centos, but it was horribly slow since I was using overlay filesystem with docker. I drained/deleted one worker and changed the OS to RancherOS with overlay2 and my containers are much faster now! So I did it to the other 2 workers as well.

How can I change the OS on the master? Is it as easy as temporarily adding a second master node while doing work on the first one?

Additional info: all nodes are VMs. All worker container persistent data is on a NAS.

Why not build a new master node, add it to your cluster and simply decommission the old one once everything (eg. etcd) as been sync and up correctly…

In the past I have remove some node with master role from cluster without issue… but I almost never work with cluster with only one master beside test/dev one…

the good news with that method, you could at first just shut down you old master to see if everything work correctly before bring it back up and removing it from your cluster…

side note: For Centos’s Docker performance, device mapper with direct lvm activated is the path we’ve take and this work great…
