I have a sles11sp4 running my GroupWise webmail. I want to disable the default sles website and only allow the apache server to respond on the fixed and given /gw sub-site. It might not be the right forum, since the web site is actually “Micro Focus® Open Enterprise Server 2015 SP1”
How can that be done? Thank you in advance.
I have a sles11sp4 running my GroupWise webmail. I want to disable the
default sles website and only allow the apache server to respond on the
fixed and given /gw sub-site. It might not be the right forum, since the
web site is actually “Micro Focus? Open Enterprise Server 2015 SP1”
How can that be done? Thank you in advance.[/color]
Are you running GroupWise on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
11 SP4 or Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2015 SP1? The
output from “cat /etc/*release” will tell us. If it is the latter
you should repost in the Micro Focus Forums at https://forums.microfocus.com - I suggest the WebAccess sub-forum
for the relevant GroupWise release you’re using rather than for
[QUOTE=smflood;34159]clausbc Wrote in message:
I have a sles11sp4 running my GroupWise webmail. I want to disable the
default sles website and only allow the apache server to respond on the
fixed and given /gw sub-site. It might not be the right forum, since the
web site is actually “Micro Focus? Open Enterprise Server 2015 SP1”
How can that be done? Thank you in advance.[/color]
Are you running GroupWise on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
11 SP4 or Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2015 SP1? The
output from “cat /etc/*release” will tell us. If it is the latter
you should repost in the Micro Focus Forums at https://forums.microfocus.com - I suggest the WebAccess sub-forum
for the relevant GroupWise release you’re using rather than for