HAE auto create cli-ban location rule cause problem

hi Guys,

I am testing SLES 12 SP1 with HAE, I manually migrate resources between node, and notice that there have auto create "cli-ban- location constraints in cluster, it cause unable to manually manual migrate resource, I need to delete delete it.

Is it working as design? if no, can disable auto create “cli-ban” constraints?


After you forcefully migrate from one node to another you need to “clean”
things up in order to remove the constraint that caused the cluster to
move the resource. The cluster software doesn’t just move the resource
casually, but does so by inserting that constraint, so once done cleaning
will remove it and you can then have failover work as expected.

Good luck.

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hi ab,
Thanks for your reply.

Does it just click the button “Cleanup” in the resource group will clean up the constraints as shown as below?

Or it need click the “Edit” and remove the individual “cli-ban” constraint?

I tested only test delete the constraint under the “Edit” link in order to delete the “cli-ban” constraint.


“Cleanup” is meant to do this for you.

Good luck.

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Script to clear resources stopped

/ Bin / bash

Referencia: Guía de despliegue de SuSE.

Un recurso se reiniciará automáticamente si falla, pero cada error aumenta el contador de

Errores de recurso. Por protección se ha establecido un umbral de migración para el recurso,

El nodo dejará de expulsar el recurso cuando el número de errores llegue al umbral de migración.

Para limpiar el recurso permitir que el este la experiencia de nuevo en el nodo, restablezca el

Contador de errores. Puede limpiar recursos individuales utilizando la interfaz Web de Hawk.

Este ubica todos los recursos detenidos y procede a limpiarlos.

Reference: SuSE Deployment Guide.

A resource will automatically restart if it fails, but each error increases the

Resource Errors. For protection a migration threshold for the resource has been established,

The node will stop expelling the resource when the number of errors reaches the migration threshold.

To clear the resource allow the user to experience the node again, reset the

Error counter. You can clean individual resources using the Hawk Web interface.

This locates all detained resources and proceeds to clean them.

crm_resource -o | awk ‘/\tStopped |Timed Out/ { print $1 }’ | xargs -r -n1 crm resource cleanup