How to access exposed services?


I run rancher 2 on a 3 machine virtual box cluster.
One master which I set up as not being a worker, and node-1 and node-2 which is workers only.
I go to my cluster and launch vault as an app.
How do I access the vault-ui? I get an url like this “” but it always results in a “504 Gateway Time-out”…

I’m guessing you need more information from me to be able to help me, but I’m not sure what information to give… Both rancher and kubernetes (and docker) is new to me…

I’m no expert at this at all, but I at least could reach the wiki I had installed in my cluster now (just as an example). The thing I did wrong was that I ran rancher 2.0 on the same virtual server as my kubernetes control plane, and I think ports collided. Running them on separate servers got me one step closer at least.