Kubernetes Version not load in drop down create cluster

Hello People,

I have a issue when create cluster by UI Rancher, Rancher not show  the Kubernetes Versions, I followed some steps with: Global -> Tools -> Drivers -> Refresh Kubernates Metada.

This process received error: failed to refresh failed to create or update driverMetadata: open /var/lib/rancher-data/driver-metadata/data.json: no such file or directory.

Sorry my mistakes in english.

You can help me, please?

OS: CentOS 7


Hi Cicero :slight_smile:

This is happening to me every time I try to create a new cluster after deleting the previous one in Rancher 2.x.
The solution is simply to create the missing file with empty JSON content {}.
I launch Rancher 2.x as a privileged Docker container so I had to go inside the Rancher container and create the file there. That is:

  1. docker exec -it rancher_server_container_id bash
  2. echo {}>/var/lib/rancher-data/driver-metadata/data.json
  3. now you can try to Refresh Kubernetes Metadata again.