Setting up MediaWiki on a SLES 11 SP3 server. Everything works fine
except I need to authenticate against my LDAP server (which is OES
11). When I try to loginm, I see this error in the log files:
The IP address is correctly specified in LdapAuthentication.php. So I
figure it is either a config issue or I need to install something, but
haven’t figured it out yet. Any suggestions?
On 02/28/2014 09:44 AM, KeN Etter wrote:[color=blue]
Setting up MediaWiki on a SLES 11 SP3 server. Everything works fine
except I need to authenticate against my LDAP server (which is OES
11). When I try to loginm, I see this error in the log files:
Are you using TCP 389 or TCP 636? Any firewall on the OES server blcoking
access to (presumably) eDirectory?
The IP address is correctly specified in LdapAuthentication.php. So I
figure it is either a config issue or I need to install something, but
haven’t figured it out yet. Any suggestions?[/color]
Anything visible in ndstrace to let you know the connection is at least
being made at the network and transport layers? Did MediaWiki require you
to import a trusted root from a CA? The error would not lead me to think
this is the problem at this point, but knowing what was done for the setup
may help identify the problem.
Good luck.
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On 02/28/2014 09:44 AM, KeN Etter wrote:[color=green]
Setting up MediaWiki on a SLES 11 SP3 server. Everything works fine
except I need to authenticate against my LDAP server (which is OES
11). When I try to loginm, I see this error in the log files:
Are you using TCP 389 or TCP 636?[/color]
Should be 389 unless I messed something up.
Any firewall on the OES server blcoking
access to (presumably) eDirectory?[/color]
No. And other servers are accessing LDAP on the OES server without a
The IP address is correctly specified in LdapAuthentication.php. So I
figure it is either a config issue or I need to install something, but
haven’t figured it out yet. Any suggestions?[/color]
Anything visible in ndstrace to let you know the connection is at least
being made at the network and transport layers? Did MediaWiki require you
to import a trusted root from a CA? The error would not lead me to think
this is the problem at this point, but knowing what was done for the setup
may help identify the problem.[/color]
ndstrace log shows nothing, log was empty - assuming I did it right.
The instructions I found for OES said to do this…
set ndstrace=nodebug
ndstrace +time +tags +ldap
ndstrace file on screen on
Then run your LDAP process you want to trace.
It created a 0 byte log file.
Looks like I am missing something on my SLES box. Other than
installing the php53-ldap module, is there any other modules I would
need to install? Or other services that need to be running?
The crazy thing is this works fine on my Netware box. I found a way
to enable debugging on the ldap plugin for media wiki. Attempted
login from my Netware box and from my SLES box.
On 02/28/2014 09:44 AM, KeN Etter wrote:[color=green]
Setting up MediaWiki on a SLES 11 SP3 server. Everything works fine
except I need to authenticate against my LDAP server (which is OES
11). When I try to loginm, I see this error in the log files:
Are you using TCP 389 or TCP 636? Any firewall on the OES server blcoking
access to (presumably) eDirectory?
The IP address is correctly specified in LdapAuthentication.php. So I
figure it is either a config issue or I need to install something, but
haven’t figured it out yet. Any suggestions?[/color]
Anything visible in ndstrace to let you know the connection is at least
being made at the network and transport layers? Did MediaWiki require you
to import a trusted root from a CA? The error would not lead me to think
this is the problem at this point, but knowing what was done for the setup
may help identify the problem.[/color]
Finally got it working…deleted all the media wiki and ldap
authentication files, grabbed the latest versions and reinstalled
everything from scratch. What a day.