Need recommendation for wireless network card


I have installed SL Enterprise server on a new intel i5 system. Version 12 PL 0.

The system boots up and I can see the onboard intel lan adapter in Yast - which is not wireless. Wireless is a requirement and without it the server cannot be connected to a network.

I Installed an ASUS PCE-N15 wireless adapter in the server. This adapter does not show up. I could not find a repository with a package for the driver for this adapter.

Can anyone recommend a wireless adapter that will work in this situation, that already has a driver or has one available that can be installed with zypper?

Or does anyone know where there is a driver for the PCS-N15 that can be installed from a package/repository?

My only other option seems to be to compile a generic linux driver which I wish to avoid.

Thanks for any help.


On 24/06/2015 23:04, MelD wrote:

I have installed SL Enterprise server on a new intel i5 system. Version
12 PL 0.

The system boots up and I can see the onboard intel lan adapter in Yast

  • which is not wireless. Wireless is a requirement and without it the
    server cannot be connected to a network.

I Installed an ASUS PCE-N15 wireless adapter in the server. This adapter
does not show up. I could not find a repository with a package for the
driver for this adapter.

Can anyone recommend a wireless adapter that will work in this
situation, that already has a driver or has one available that can be
installed with zypper?

Or does anyone know where there is a driver for the PCS-N15 that can be
installed from a package/repository?

My only other option seems to be to compile a generic linux driver which
I wish to avoid.[/color]

Given that you’re asking a hardware-related question (and I know you’ve
just reposted here) I suggest that you repost in the SLES Hardware forum

Personally I’d have to question the wisdom of connecting a server to the
network via wireless rather than a wired connection but each to their own.


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