I am analyzing my numa server layout and read some documentation from HP. I want to install numatop but didn’t found the package in the default repos or in software.opensuse.org for SLES.
The tool is specially mentioned in the product description for SLES. I find it incomprehensible why is not it available.
I, too, have not been able to find it after doing some searching, so I
have asked a contact at SUSE to take a peek. Since the page says (in
English) “prepared to support the NumaTOP tool” and not that it is
shipped, I suppose this could just be meaning to let customers know it can
be used, but not that it is provided. Since it’s FOSS, that could be
reasonable, but hopefully this can be at least clarified for us.
Perhaps it’s in the SDK repositories, or perhaps the linking pages just
need to add a link to it specifically to be clearer; let’s wait and see
unless somebody else chimes in shortly.
Good luck.
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Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1|GNOME 3.10.4|3.12.51-60.25-default
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Apparently the kernel side is ready, but the client utilities were not,
thus they are not shipped with the distribution yet.
In SLE 11 we enabled the kernel side bits for NumaTOP upon partner's
request (FATE#317174). However, the user space part is not yet ready for
inclusion in SLES. Too bad information about NumaTOP got into the promo
when we decided to leave it out from release notes...
Anyway, anyone interested in the tool can compile NumaTOP and run it on
their system.
Always blame marketing, right?
Anyway, it should work, but you’ll need to add the userland tools yourself
or from another source.
Good luck.
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