Questions regarding saptune on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15

Dear all,

I refer to the following document.

I will apply the note 2684254.
But some setting is not supported by the system,
some setting is not available on the syste,
some value is only checked, but NOT set as following.

What is the significance of these settings? These settings are useless, aren’t they?


I customized the note 2382421(chaged net.core.somaxconn from 4096 to 8192).
For check I executed the show command, but the value is still 4096 as following.

But I executed the simulate command, the value is 8192 as following.

In fact I applied the note and verified, Actual is 8192 as following.

Why can’t we check the change of the note by show command?

Thank you and best regards,

Could be a bug in saptune where it thinks the setting is not supported when it is. Open a support ticket.

Thank you for your response.
If it’s necessary I’ll open a ticket.