Rancher Release - v2.1.10 - Addresses Rancher CVE-2019-12274 and CVE-2019-12303

Release v2.1.10


  • This release addresses two security vulnerabilities found in Rancher.

The first vulnerability was found and reported by Tyler Welton from Untamed Theory, and applies to Rancher versions v2.0.0 - v2.2.3. This vulnerability allows project owners to inject an extra fluentd logging configuration that makes it possible to read files or execute arbitrary commands inside the fluentd container. You can view the official CVE here CVE-2019-12303.

The second vulnerability applies to Rancher versions v1.6.27 and earlier (Cattle and Kubernetes users) and v2.0.0 - v2.2.3. It affects the built-in node drivers having a file path option that allows the machine to read arbitrary files - including sensitive ones like /root/.kube/config―from inside the Rancher server container. This can result in the machine creator gaining unauthorized access to the Rancher management plane. You can view the official CVE here CVE-2019-12274.

  • In Rancher 2.0 and 2.1, the auto generated certificates for Rancher provisioned clusters have 1 year of expiry. It means if you created a Rancher provisioned cluster about 1 year ago, you need to rotate the certificates, otherwise the cluster will go into a bad state when the certificate expires. Rancher v2.2.x provides UI support for certificate rotation. In Rancher 2.1.10, the rotation can be performed from Rancher API, more details are here.

rancher/rancher:v2.1.10 image is made available in server-charts/latest and server-chart/stable Rancher helm repos.

Known Major Issues

  • Clusters created through Rancher can sometimes get stuck in provisioning [#15970] [#15969] [#15695]
  • The upgrade for Rancher node-agent daemonset can sometimes get stuck due to pod removal failure on a Kubernetes side [#16722]

Major Bug Fixes since v2.1.9

  • Fixed vulnerability that allowed a project owners to inject an extra fluentd logging configuration that made it possible to read files or execute arbitrary commands inside the fluentd container CVE-2019-12303
  • Fixed vulnerability affecting the built-in node drivers having a file path option that allowed the machine to read arbitrary files - including sensitive ones like /root/.kube/config―from inside the Rancher server container CVE-2019-12274


NOTE - Image Name Changes: Please note that as of v2.0.0, our images will be rancher/rancher and rancher/rancher-agent. If you are using v1.6, please continue to use rancher/server and rancher/agent.


  • rancher/rancher:v2.1.10
  • rancher/rancher-agent:v2.1.10



Upgrades and Rollbacks

Rancher supports both upgrade and rollback starting with v2.0.2. Please note the version you would like to upgrade or rollback to change the Rancher version.

Due to the HA improvements introduced in the v2.1.0 release, the Rancher helm chart is the only supported method for installing or upgrading Rancher. Please use the Rancher helm chart to install HA Rancher. For details, see the HA Install - Installation Outline.

If you are currently using the RKE add-on install method, see Migrating from a RKE add-on install for details on how to move to using a helm chart.

Any upgrade from a version prior to v2.0.3, when scaling up workloads, new pods will be created [#14136] - In order to update scheduling rules for workloads [#13527], a new field was added to all workloads on update, which will cause any pods in workloads from previous versions to re-create.

Note: When rolling back, we are expecting you to rollback to the state at the time of your upgrade. Any changes post upgrade would not be reflected. In the case of rolling back using a Rancher single-node install, you must specify the exact version you want to change the Rancher version to, rather than using the default :latest tag.

Note: If you had the helm stable catalog enabled in v2.0.0, we’ve updated the catalog to start pointing directly to the Kubernetes helm repo instead of an internal repo. Please delete the custom catalog that is now showing up and re-enable the helm stable. [#13582]