I’m having a hard time with pulling image from private repository. Here’s the drill down:
The pod:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
- image: gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: gitlab-dc-cdndemo-2
And the pull secret:
$ base64 -d <(kubectl -n test-cdndemo get secret gitlab-dc-cdndemo-2 -o json | jq -r '.data.".dockerconfigjson"') | jq
"auths": {
"https://gitlab.private:31443": {
"username": "gitlab+deploy-token-22",
"password": "EGDLqGKJwBtfYYf9cDFg",
"email": "example@example.com",
"auth": "Z2l0bGFiK2RlcGxveS10b2tlbi0yMjpFR0RMcUdLSndCdGZZWWY5Y0RGZw=="
It’s a playbook example of how it should be done. But when I deploy this I get:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 14m default-scheduler Successfully assigned test-cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui-68c8f8c6dd-qcxr5 to node-waw107
Normal Pulling 13m (x4 over 14m) kubelet Pulling image "gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main"
Warning Failed 13m (x4 over 14m) kubelet Failed to pull image "gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main:latest": failed to resolve referen
ce "gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main:latest": failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden
Warning Failed 13m (x4 over 14m) kubelet Error: ErrImagePull
Warning Failed 12m (x6 over 14m) kubelet Error: ImagePullBackOff
Normal BackOff 4m41s (x43 over 14m) kubelet Back-off pulling image "gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main"
Notice the error, it’s 403 Forbidden, not 401 Unauthorized so the credentials do work. Despite this, the image cannot be pulled from my private repo. But when I do this manually on a worker node everything goes smoothly:
$ crictl --debug pull --creds gitlab+deploy-token-22:EGDLqGKJwBtfYYf9cDFg gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main:latest
DEBU[0000] get image connection
DEBU[0000] PullImageRequest: &PullImageRequest{Image:&ImageSpec{Image:gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main:latest,Annotations:map[string]string{},},Auth:&AuthConfig{Username:gitlab+deploy-token-22,Password:EGDLqGKJwBtfYYf9cDFg,Auth:,ServerAddress:,IdentityToken:,RegistryToken:,},SandboxConfig:nil,}
DEBU[0006] PullImageResponse: &PullImageResponse{ImageRef:sha256:0c3b5d355c164d02aaa7b6cbe91bbfa12bd35826566472317efac63cb467d260,}
Image is up to date for sha256:0c3b5d355c164d02aaa7b6cbe91bbfa12bd35826566472317efac63cb467d260
$ crictl image
gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main latest 0c3b5d355c164 105MB```
It alwo works when I use auth data instead (as expected):
crictl --debug pull --auth Z2l0bGFiK2RlcGxveS10b2tlbi0yMjpFR0RMcUdLSndCdGZZWWY5Y0RGZw== gitlab.private:31443/cdn/cdndemo/appcdnmanagerui/main:latest
Now I’m stuck. The only thing that comes to my mind is some kind of weird bug that’s in the k3s release I’m using:
# k3s -v
k3s version v1.25.4+k3s1 (0dc63334)
go version go1.19.3
# crictl -v
crictl version v1.25.0-k3s1
The bug hypothesis is based on previous experience with older k8s deployment, where this approach is used and it works. But on a fresh cluster all I get is 403 error from k3s despite crictl pulling the image with no problems.
Anyone had this kind of problem before and solved it?