The new worker nodes are stuck with " Waiting for probes: calico, kubelet " error on the RKE2 Management Cluster

Noticed below message from " systemctl status rke2-agent.service & journalctl -f -u rke2-agent.service " log and rke2-agent.service
service were in " Active: activating (start) " state on the worker nodes end.

level=error msg=“failed to get CA certs: Get “[\](\)”: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)”

Additionally rke2-agent.service services are not allowing to start the " calico-node-fk28z " container or vxlan.calico interface configuration in RKE Worker node end.

~# nc -vz 6444
Connection to 6444 port [tcp/sge-qmaster] succeeded!

To fix the above error I’ve tried with restarting agent service ,restarted the nodes , re-register the node again after the " " command execution , however there is no luck.

Cluster Detail -
K8s version - v1.28.10+rke2r1
Rancher v2.8.5

Are they any suggestion here to check further on this

I too facing the same issue. This is happening while enabling “Worker” alone. Can anyone from the forum respond please…