[rancher-compose] How to upgrade Load Balancer service for N targets

We need to employ the same strategy as well. The use of a ‘master’ or ‘global’ LB of which its configuration is dynamic services come and go, particularly in non-production environments.

I can think of a few methods, but first I believe we want to see if this is possible with rancher-compose in a simple way way, for e.g. a minimal compose with the new service link to add/sync to the LB.

The other method I thought of if a container service that discovers services by labels or other metadata and will add new services to the loadBalancerService resource. This kind of method has been done in the past such as by use of tags in a cloud provider or management platform.

I am keen to hear what the best practice may be, one single master LB for 80 and 443 is definitely a very common setup and I’m sure others are either already applying a solution or pondering. Thanks!