Add\Clone EC2 Host Whit no Public IP?

When i try to add\clone a new ec2 host And I sign “Use Only Privte IP Address”

Building the host just gets stuck with “Waiting for SSH to be available…” i can see the host instance in AWS without public IP.

“id”: “1h17”,
“type”: “host”,
“links”: {
“self”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17”,
“account”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/account”,
“clusters”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/clusters”,
“containerEvents”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/containerevents”,
“healthcheckInstanceHostMaps”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/healthcheckinstancehostmaps”,
“hostLabels”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/hostlabels”,
“hosts”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/hosts”,
“instances”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/instances”,
“ipAddresses”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/ipaddresses”,
“physicalHost”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/physicalhost”,
“serviceEvents”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/serviceevents”,
“storagePools”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/storagepools”,
“volumes”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/volumes”,
“config”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/config”
“actions”: {
“error”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/?action=error”,
“remove”: “…/v2-beta/projects/1a5/hosts/1h17/?action=remove”
“baseType”: “host”,
“name”: null,
“state”: “provisioning”,
“accountId”: “1a5”,
“agentIpAddress”: null,
“agentState”: null,
“amazonec2Config”: {
“accessKey”: “”,
“ami”: “”,
“blockDurationMinutes”: “0”,
“deviceName”: “/dev/sda1”,
“endpoint”: “”,
“iamInstanceProfile”: “”,
“instanceType”: “t2.micro”,
“keypairName”: “”,
“region”: “us-west-2”,
“retries”: “5”,
“rootSize”: “16”,
“secretKey”: “”,
“securityGroup”: [
“sessionToken”: “”,
“spotPrice”: “0.50”,
“sshKeypath”: “”,
“sshUser”: “ubuntu”,
“subnetId”: “”,
“tags”: “”,
“userdata”: “”,
“volumeType”: “gp2”,
“vpcId”: “vpc-8eddcdec”,
“zone”: “a”,
“privateAddressOnly”: true
“authCertificateAuthority”: null,
“authKey”: null,
“azureConfig”: null,
“computeTotal”: 1000000,
“created”: “2017-06-16T16:18:27Z”,
“createdTS”: 1497629907000,
“description”: null,
“digitaloceanConfig”: null,
“dockerVersion”: null,
“driver”: “amazonec2”,
“engineEnv”: null,
“engineInsecureRegistry”: null,
“engineInstallUrl”: “”,
“engineLabel”: null,
“engineOpt”: null,
“engineRegistryMirror”: null,
“engineStorageDriver”: null,
“hostTemplateId”: null,
“hostname”: “003”,
“info”: null,
“instanceIds”: null,
“kind”: “host”,
“labels”: {
“”: “us-west-2a”,
“”: “aws”,
“”: “us-west-2”
“localStorageMb”: 13770117,
“memory”: 1038090240,
“milliCpu”: 1000,
“opennebulaConfig”: null,
“packetConfig”: null,
“physicalHostId”: “1ph17”,
“publicEndpoints”: null,
“removed”: null,
“stackId”: null,
“transitioning”: “yes”,
“transitioningMessage”: “Waiting for SSH to be available…”,
“transitioningProgress”: null,
“uuid”: “fb4fcdf6-b327-4446-86ab-db9b099dcd0e”,
“vmwarevsphereConfig”: null

The server container needs to be able to teach the ip the host gets via SSH in order to install Docker and the Rancher agent. So if the host has a private IP the one the server container is on needs one too.

So why give the option to choose “Use Only Privte IP Address”?

A) it’s an option in the driver and we expose all of them.
B) it works fine if the host the server container is running on also has a private IP in the same subnet.

ok thks!:slightly_smiling_face: