opened 02:32AM - 20 Jul 18 UTC
closed 03:25PM - 07 Oct 18 UTC
The API browser doesn't load if the web browser is in an environment isolated fr… om the internet.
Browser dev tools reports:
``` Failed to load resource: net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED
**Rancher versions:**
rancher/rancher: v2.0.6
**Setup details: (single node rancher vs. HA rancher, internal DB vs. external DB)**
Rancher server (HA) and web browsers accessing it are in an isolated (Air Gap) network.
**Steps to Reproduce:**
Set up rancher and browser in an Air Gap environment. Try to hit any "View in API" menu option
Blank Page.
Hi, i’m trying to set up rancher 2.0.4 in an isolated environment, i’m having this issue (added link above).
has someone encountered this kind of issue and can help me ?