
I have a few servers SLES11 and SLES10 that whenever I have a kernel upgrade the menu.lst file is not updated. A mix of vmware servers and stand alone.

The update does not edit the file with the new kernel and it also changes (hd0,0) to (hd0).

I have to go into rescue mode to fix this.

This has been going on for awhile. Happened this morning with a brand new installation of SLES11 SP1 after running the post patches.

The boot partition is not on a SAN. It is on the local disk.

Any ideas??

kbannister wrote:

I have a few servers SLES11 and SLES10 that whenever I have a kernel
upgrade the menu.lst file is not updated. A mix of vmware servers and
stand alone.[/color]

Bug 757565 was reported against SLES11-SP1 where the menu.lst was not
being updated correctly when patches were applies. This should no
longer be an issue with the latest patches for SLES11-SP1 and


The update does not edit the file with the new kernel and it also
changes (hd0,0) to (hd0).[/color]

I don’t understand. How can the file be changed if it is /not/ edited?

I have to go into rescue mode to fix this.

This has been going on for awhile. Happened this morning with a brand
new installation of SLES11 SP1 after running the post patches.

The boot partition is not on a SAN. It is on the local disk.

Any ideas??[/color]

If this doesn’t happen on all your servers, which ones /are/ affected.
How are they different? What is common among the affected servers:
Hardware, disk partitioning?

Might it have something to do with the way the patches are applied?

When did you first notice this issue and what had recently changed?

A good place to look for clues is /var/log/messages and

Please post any error messages you find.

You should also check the knowledgebase and search for menu.lst:

Quite a few documents are returned which may help identify the problem.
Here is one example:

Kevin Boyle - Knowledge Partner
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Kevin that is it! TID 7010670. I asked this question at Brainshare a million times and never got an answer. You are the man!!

Yes, SLES11 SP2 is not problem. It has been with SLES11 SP1 and SLES10 servers.

The TID tells you to upgrade your perl-bootloader to version or later. Do you know how I can tell the current version on a SLES11 SP2 server?

kbannister wrote:

The TID tells you to upgrade your perl-bootloader to version or later. Do you know how I can tell the current
version on a SLES11 SP2 server?[/color]

Use “rpm -q perl-Bootloader” (the uppercase “B” is important, otherwise use
“rpm -qa | grep -i perl-bootloader”)

Latest version released for SLES11 SP2 is perl-Bootloader-


SUSE Knowledge Partner

The knowledgebase is always a good place to start! :slight_smile:

Yes, of course it is. The TID wasn’t published when I searched way back when.

Thank you Simon!

i have error 15 file not found and it stays in grub> prompt. how to recover ? as per the link shows i get all output as file not found.
any help would be great

Hi grubloader,

please don’t hijack threads and don’t post our question in three places.

Please limit discussion of this new problem to https://forums.suse.com/showthread.php?5849-grub-prompt-shows-in-boot-and-Error-15-File-not-found
