btrfs and blkid

With the blkid command I expected to see output from all online dasd but I do not see anything for /dev/dasda1. The dasda is part of the btrfs filesystem /. What should I expect?

[CODE]linux140:~ # lsdasd
Bus-ID Status Name Device Type BlkSz Size Blocks

0.0.0604 active dasda 94:0 ECKD 4096 7043MB 1803060
0.0.3120 active dasdb 94:4 ECKD 4096 7043MB 1803060
linux140:~ # blkid
/dev/dasdb1: UUID=“431a0543-dc6b-4b92-8688-6f9087affd65” TYPE=“ext2”
/dev/dasdb2: UUID=“30f85989-86ac-474d-b696-1d6689da5832” TYPE=“swap”
/dev/dasdb3: UUID=“b273239f-1943-4607-ad44-2e007624ee1b” UUID_SUB=“c84b08e8-7f47-4792-ae67-065b7682bb7b” TYPE=“btrfs”
linux140:~ # btrfs filesystem show /
Label: none uuid: b273239f-1943-4607-ad44-2e007624ee1b
Total devices 2 FS bytes used 3.89GiB
devid 1 size 5.71GiB used 1.53GiB path /dev/dasdb3
devid 2 size 6.88GiB used 3.53GiB path /dev/dasda

btrfs-progs v4.1.2+20151002[/CODE]


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