Can not connect to NFS to restore backups with Istio enabled

When i try to run longhorn on my k3s cluster with istio I cannot connect to my NFS to restore my backups. If i rebuild my cluster without istio-injection: enabled in the longhorn-system namespace I can successfully connect and restore backups.

error listing backup volume names: failed to execute: /var/lib/longhorn/engine-binaries/longhornio-longhorn-engine-v1.3.0/longhorn [backup ls --volume-only nfs://], output Cannot mount nfs vers=4.0: Failed to execute: mount [-t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.0 -o actimeo=1 /var/lib/longhorn-backupstore-mounts/192_168_1_99/usbdrive/backup], output mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted , error exit status 32: vers=4.1: Failed to execute: mount [-t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1 -o actimeo=1 /var/lib/longhorn-backupstore-mounts/192_168_1_99/usbdrive/backup], output mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted , error exit status 32: vers=4.2: Failed to execute: mount [-t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.2 -o actimeo=1 /var/lib/longhorn-backupstore-mounts/192_168_1_99/usbdrive/backup], output mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted , error exit status 32: Cannot mount using NFSv4 , stderr, time="2022-07-28T00:29:14Z" level=error msg="Cannot mount nfs vers=4.0: Failed to execute: mount [-t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.0 -o actimeo=1 /var/lib/longhorn-backupstore-mounts/192_168_1_99/usbdrive/backup], output mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted\n, error exit status 32: vers=4.1: Failed to execute: mount [-t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1 -o actimeo=1 /var/lib/longhorn-backupstore-mounts/192_168_1_99/usbdrive/backup], output mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted\n, error exit status 32: vers=4.2: Failed to execute: mount [-t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.2 -o actimeo=1 /var/lib/longhorn-backupstore-mounts/192_168_1_99/usbdrive/backup], output mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted\n, error exit status 32: Cannot mount using NFSv4" , error exit status 1

Figured this out. Its really an Istio thing. I added annotations: {} to my helm values and it worked.

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