Can't access Ope SUSE forum

After a lot of messing around, I finally got my reassigned username and password to operate. This newer content is accessible, and I can even post here. But when I click on
Everything openSUSE (redirect to openSUSE forums
at I get sent to the old forum site, and it won’t let me sign in. I thought this converted system was supposed to be an improvement. Help!!

I’m assuming you visited the openSUSE IDP Portal

OpenSuse user here. I am logged in here, but struggling to get to the forums to post an issue. The above portal asks me for a username and then errors out.

@brm if you go here: does that work?

The link says I am leaving and presents me with a new log-in page. I am already logged in here - do I need additional credentials to access this? I cannot hit on the correct password combo atm. Still going.

@brm yes it’s a different login, what about the password reset?

Ok so I need two logins - I will try and sort this. I thought we were all under one roof so to speak.