Can't get containers' monitoring metrics

With CentOS7.1, Docker 1.11 and Rancher 1.0.1, the container monitor can’t get any metrics.
The chart show "connecting…"
The rancher server logs:
2016-04-21 01:34:49,834 ERROR [:] [] [] [] [cutorService-16] [o.a.c.m.context.NoExceptionRunnable ] Uncaught exception org.jooq.exception.DataChangedException: Database record has been changed
time=“2016-04-21T09:39:01+08:00” level=error msg=“Error parsing token.” error=“token is expired”

This is a known issue with Docker 1.11 and Rancher 1.0.1.

Rancher 1.0.1 supports Docker 1.10.3.

Thnak you! I have downgraded docker to 1.10.3, it works!