Can't open device file: /dev/vcio

Hi all,

I installed OpenSUSE Leap 42.2 (Kernel 4.4.57-18.3, jeOS) in my raspberry 3, and wanted to experiment with the programming of the GPU as described in the following link:

I was able to compile the code without problems, but when executing the program I got the following error: “Can’t open device file: /dev/vcio”
I googled a little bit around and found people having similar issues (for example in

The solution most commonly used (and apparently working) which is to force the creation of the device with: “sudo mknod vcio c 100 0” or “sudo mknod vcio c 249 0”) did not work for me.
From what I could learn, such “vcio” device correspond to some kind of “mailbox” kernel service that is used to communicate with the VideoCore IV GPU in the raspberry pi.
But it seems as if something is not properly installed (or not included in the official Leap 42.2 release) that is preventing this to work.

Does anyone have any idea what needs to be installed to fix this problem?

Thanks a lot in advance,
Best Regards

Unfortunately you have landed on the wrong forum, this is for SUSE
Linux Enterprise :wink: please head over to the openSUSE forum at

Same username/password, suggest you repost in the Install/Boot/Login

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE Leap 42.2|GNOME 3.22.2|4.4.57-18.3-default
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