Error creating App

I created a rancher instance and a etcd-control-worker node on another machine on the same network.
The rancher 2.x is running on Arch Linux and the kubernetes node on Rancher OS. I successfully setup a rancher instance with let’s encrypt for the certificate.

When I try to add an app from the catalog on the cluster with on Default I get an error, for example with mariaDB :
Failed to install app mariadb-cvg2w. Error: UPGRADE FAILED: Get https://localhost:443/k8s/clusters/c-7vcpk/api/v1/namespaces/mariadb-4ddrl/configmaps?labelSelector=NAME%!D(MISSING)mariadb-cvg2w%!C(MISSING)OWNER%!D(MISSING)TILLER%!C(MISSING)STATUS%!D(MISSING)DEPLOYED: tls: server selected unsupported protocol version 301

My guess is that there is a problem with making a request to localhost because of the let’s encrypt certficate.

Does anybody know where does the problem come from (Linux, Docker,Rancher … ) and how to fix it ?
