Error creating machine: Error detecting OS: OS type not recognized


Rancher v2.2.4 trying to deploy cluster node on AWS getting this error.

name": “”,
“namespaceId”: null,
“nodePoolId”: “c-94f8q:np-f8px4”,
“nodeTemplateId”: “user-jv5b4:nt-7x62r”,
“requestedHostname”: “node1”,
“sshUser”: “ubuntu”,
“state”: “provisioning”,
“transitioning”: “error”,
“transitioningMessage”: “Error creating machine: Error detecting OS: OS type not recognized”,
“type”: “node”,
“unschedulable”: false,
“uuid”: “35050d3c-a221-11e9-bb89-0242ac110002”,
“worker”: true

using this AMI “ami-076d20da54e4b7273”

We use docker-machine to provision nodes and this error is coming from that code base.
Googling for that error message, it seems to be a fairly generic one that can pop up in many different scenarios. Might be some invalid combination of parameters that AWS doesn’t like.

Are you doing this through the UI or through an API?

Could you look at the node template you used to provision the VM in the API and post it here (be sure to scrub anything sensitive).


im using the UI


“amazonec2Config”: {
“accessKey”: “”,
“ami”: “ami-076d20da54e4b7273”,
“blockDurationMinutes”: “0”,
“deviceName”: “/dev/sda1”,
“endpoint”: “”,
“iamInstanceProfile”: “Rancher”,
“insecureTransport”: false,
“instanceType”: “t2.medium”,
“keypairName”: “”,
“monitoring”: false,
“privateAddressOnly”: false,
“region”: “us-east-1”,
“requestSpotInstance”: false,
“retries”: “5”,
“rootSize”: “16”,
“securityGroup”: [
“securityGroupReadonly”: false,
“sessionToken”: “”,
“spotPrice”: “0.50”,
“sshKeyContents”: “”,
“sshUser”: “ubuntu”,
“subnetId”: “subnet-07181579047adf870”,
“tags”: “”,
“useEbsOptimizedInstance”: false,
“usePrivateAddress”: false,
“userdata”: “”,
“volumeType”: “gp2”,
“vpcId”: “vpc-0d7116edd309629d7”,
“zone”: “a”
“annotations”: { },
“baseType”: “nodeTemplate”,
“cloudCredentialId”: “cattle-global-data:cc-sghgh”,
“created”: “2019-07-09T07:38:53Z”,
“createdTS”: 1562657933000,
“creatorId”: “user-jv5b4”,
“driver”: “amazonec2”,
“engineInstallURL”: “”,
“engineRegistryMirror”: null,
“id”: “user-jv5b4:nt-7x62r”,
“labels”: {”: “norman”
“links”: {
“nodePools”: “…/v3/nodePools?nodeTemplateId=user-jv5b4%3Ant-7x62r”,
“nodes”: “…/v3/nodes?nodeTemplateId=user-jv5b4%3Ant-7x62r”,
“remove”: “…/v3/nodeTemplates/user-jv5b4:nt-7x62r”,
“self”: “…/v3/nodeTemplates/user-jv5b4:nt-7x62r”,
“update”: “…/v3/nodeTemplates/user-jv5b4:nt-7x62r”
“name”: “EC2-TEMPLATE”,
“state”: “active”,
“transitioning”: “no”,
“transitioningMessage”: “”,
“type”: “nodeTemplate”,
“useInternalIpAddress”: true,
“uuid”: “99e07503-a21c-11e9-bb89-0242ac110002”