ERROR: https://RANCHER_IP:8443/ping is not accessible (The requested URL returned error: 404) on cattle-node-agent nodes

Hi all,

I’ve followed the setup for RKE and Rancher on 3 VMs. Everything seemed to go well. I do not have a valid DNS name yet, so I set my rancher server URL to point to the IP address of my NGINX LB, on port 8443, that sits outside my cluster. I am able to access the rancher UI from this IP address. My cattle-node-agent and cattle-cluster-agent pods are in a crashloop and reporting the following:

ERROR: https://RANCHER_IP:8443/ping is not accessible (The requested URL returned error: 404).

When I point my browser to the /ping address, I get a self signed certificate warning and then I get the following: default backend - 404

Is this normal? I do have a self signed certificate set up, do I need to do something special in regards to that?


Hi Chris,

I was encountering the same issue today and was wondering if you found a solution for this? I’d appreciate a lot if you could share any insight!

Regards, Ken