Apologies if this is the wrong forum, but we have an active subscription and when looking at the details I now see that Expiry date is in June 2025 but then lower it says that Renewal Due Date is may 2024 ?
I am not sure I understand the dates in question as our subscription was renewed in December and the mail says it is valid to December 2024 ?
@tha Hi and welcome to the Forum
Can you clarify the product your referring too? Perhaps for that product it may be the GA support expiry date. Subscriptions cover any upgrades between the subscription dates.
The systems are SLES 12 SP5, but I only manage the licenses and do not have access to them, so I am referring to the subscription information in the customer center (please see screenshot) where the information to me is confusing… especially since we renewed the liceses December 2023 for one year and I have a mail the license is valid to December 2024
@tha So General Support ends in October 2024, May is the date you should be looking to upgrade the software (renewal) to the next service pack or release (six [6] month window) or move to LTSS…
Thanks, but our subscription covers SUSE 15 too and the screenshot is for the subscription itself and not the individual servers so it is still a little puzzling.
@tha Yes, that’s just what the current release is, subscriptions are just a name at a point in time and while your using SLE 12 SP5 which will get NO updates after the end of this year.
Since the systems check into SCC it’s just giving you a “Heads Up” that in May of this year you need to plan on upgrading either the system(s) or the Licencing to LTSS within the next six months if wish to continue with that product release version.
At the end of December the systems running SLES 12 SP5 will no longer receive updates.
For example, if SLES 16 is released, AND you have an active subscription, it might say SLES 15 on SCC, but you can use it for SLES 16 and receive updates,support etc.