F5 BIG-IP Controller for Kubernetes

There is a software called F5 BIG-IP Controller for Kubernetes to integrate Kubernetes with an F5 BIG-IP load balancer. Is something like this supported with Rancher. Does anyone have any experience with it?

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I am also trying to get this working in one of my clusters. I followed these docs: https://clouddocs.f5.com/containers/v2/kubernetes/kctlr-use-bigip-k8s.html#use-bigip-k8s-flannel. But I can’t seem to get my kubernetes node to stay in the cluster. It keeps going from Status: Unknown --> Status: NotReady --> and then it doesn’t show up (is removed by something)

I haven’t seen anything in the logs but don’t think it is related to rancher. Each k8s node is supposed to run a cattle-agent for k8s clusters managed by rancher. However, since the docs I attached say to create a “dummy” node, there really is no way for us to run the cattle-agent. I still don’t think that rancher is really getting involved in my current issue, but maybe someone from the rancher team knows more.

UPDATE: Kubernetes have informed me that my issue of having the dummy-node automatically removed is due to the node-controller (kube-controller-manager) automatically removing inactive nodes when the cluster is backed by a cloud-provider.

I am now going to try integration again but with Calico as my network provider.

Still looking for support from Rancher on this sort of integration effort.