Floating IPs, Load Balancers or what would be the best practice in Rancher?

Hi there, I am mainly using AWS EC2 at the moment to provide servers which are then powering my Rancher estate. Up until now I would also make use of floating IPs but when adding a new server (which had a floating IP assigned) I then had to restart the rancher-agent container with the CATTLE_AGENT_IP set to the floating IP. This does not necessarily feel like the right approach as I can almost find no threads where people did something similar with the floating IPs in Rancher.
Another possibility would apparently be to use a load balancer which is having a public IP address and then routes the traffic further. While this seems to be a cleaner approach it feels like this would lock me in with the respective provider (an ELB in AWS can only forward to instances on AWS EC2, a load balancer on Digitalocean can only forward to Droplets on Digitalocean). Also load balancing functionality looks to be rather expensive compared to the costs for computing. Finally it does not seem like every provider has load balancer capabilities yet (Hetzner e.g. only offers floating IPs at this point).
So my question would be: what is a best practice in terms of a provider agnostic mechanism to make a server (like a webserver) accessible (static host name) through a Rancher-managed system ?
A third option could be to update DNS constantly but I am discarding this as a change might take too long to become active.

What about a Rancher Loadbalancer which can route traffic between all stacks in its environment. Then add diffrent hosts to your environment (DO, AWS, Hetzner).

The Rancher LB has to be bound to the public facing host via scheduling.

Wouldn’t this solve your problem?