hashedPassword is not the hash of the given password

Hi to all,
I am running a 5-node k8s clúster with Rancher 2.3.3 on them.
After many months of working with no problems, one node started failing and finally decided to reboot the whole cluster.
After that, everything started working ok, except for the Rancher UI login. When I type my credentials and hit the login button, nothing happens.
If I check the logs on the pod, I can see something like:

[ERROR] API error response 401 for POST /v3-public/localProviders/local?action=login. Cause: crypto/bcrypt: hashedPassword is not the hash of the given password

I have read that I could use the reset-password command from the Rancher pods bash to try to restore the administrator passwrod from there, but I am affraid to break something else.
Is this the way to go, or shoud I try something else first?

Thank you in advance!