I’m using rancher helm chart to install Rancher dashboard to my air gapped kubernetes environment.
When I’m installing the rancher chart on kubernetes, I see it’s creating so many helm-operation-xxxx pod on cattle-system namespace. It can’t pull the rancher/shell:v0.1.14 image, because my kubernetes cluster is air gapped and has no access to internet !
How can I change the rancher/shell:v0.1.14 image to myprivateregistry:5000/rancher/shell:v0.1.14 ?
No clue, but my guess would be that you probably can’t. Since people use registries for running jobs and the idea behind having a Kubernetes cluster would be to run something I think having a Docker registry of some sort somewhere was likely taken as assumed.
I don’t know if this will also support private registry links, I see no reason why it shouldn’t. But since this is the first result on Google for how to change the shell image hopefully this helps someone