How to access Advanced routing option in rancher load balancer in API?


Could anyone please advise how to access Advanced routing option in rancher load balancer in API?

I’m able to create a load balancer container and I could set a target service using Setservicelinks by passing the following JSON:

“links”: null,
“actions”: null,
“name”: “service1”,
“serviceId”: “1s106”

But I’d like to access advanced routing option in rancher load balancer in api, so that I can map domain names like and to service1 and service2 respectively?

Can anyone please tell using which service I can do this? using same setservicelinks or addservicelinks or any other?

And also, could you please show me a sample JSON to do that.

Hey @Adaikal_Raj I think we can let this thread die, and consolidate the conversation here. Does that sound good?

Aemneina, yeah that make sense.