How to use “edquot –T –u username“

I have no idea about use “edquot –T –u username”.
For the duration of the soft limit capacity by “edquot-t” to achieve, then “edquota-T-u username” is used to doing?
Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you.

I think something was lost in translation. Can you try rewording what you
are trying to do with edquota besides, perhaps obviously, modify a user’s

FWIW the edquota docs I’ve found online have a lower-case ‘t’ option, but
not an upper-case ‘T’ option. Along with your description of your desired
result you may want to include the output of your command literally. The
characters I see appear to be a bit off… non-ascii.

Good luck.

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How to use “-T” options of edquota?

On 13/12/2013 06:34, andyleigood wrote:

How to use �-T� options of edquota?[/color]

From “man edquota” on a server running SLES11 SP3:

-T, --edit-times
Edit time for the user/group when softlimit is enforced. Possi-
ble values are ‘unset’ or number and unit. Units are the same as
in -t option.

So you can’t use “-T” on it’s own and have to provide a value.


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Thank you Simon.
I get it .