Rancher running in AK Cluster all from scratch, followed the instructions below
All looks good even got an external IP from the ingress, however the pod of the ingress-nginx-controller from the ingres-nginx namespace is constantly in CrashLoopBackOff state
kubectl get pods
ingress-nginx-controller-7564bb59cd-4vv7h 0/1 Running 11 (1s ago) 24m
Below the logs from the pod
NGINX Ingress controller
Release: v0.41.2
Build: d8a93551e6e5798fc4af3eb910cef62ecddc8938
Repository: GitHub - kubernetes/ingress-nginx: Ingress-NGINX Controller for Kubernetes
nginx version: nginx/1.19.4
I1008 08:42:11.157711 8 flags.go:205] “Watching for Ingress” class=“nginx”
W1008 08:42:11.157772 8 flags.go:210] Ingresses with an empty class will also be processed by this Ingress controller
W1008 08:42:11.158616 8 client_config.go:608] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work.
I1008 08:42:11.158883 8 main.go:241] “Creating API client” host=“”
I1008 08:42:11.196616 8 main.go:285] “Running in Kubernetes cluster” major=“1” minor=“23” git=“v1.23.12” state=“clean” commit=“c6939792865ef0f70f92006081690d77411c8ed5” platform=“linux/amd64”
I1008 08:42:11.452611 8 main.go:105] “SSL fake certificate created” file=“/etc/ingress-controller/ssl/default-fake-certificate.pem”
I1008 08:42:11.455790 8 main.go:115] “Enabling new Ingress features available since Kubernetes v1.18”
W1008 08:42:11.459343 8 main.go:127] No IngressClass resource with name nginx found. Only annotation will be used.
I1008 08:42:11.505028 8 ssl.go:528] “loading tls certificate” path=“/usr/local/certificates/cert” key=“/usr/local/certificates/key”
I1008 08:42:11.575373 8 nginx.go:249] “Starting NGINX Ingress controller”
I1008 08:42:11.624493 8 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:“ConfigMap”, Namespace:“ingress-nginx”, Name:“ingress-nginx-controller”, UID:“b1adc7a1-bac7-494d-9dc5-415a0c3f2531”, APIVersion:“v1”, ResourceVersion:“2586”, FieldPath:“”}): type: ‘Normal’ reason: ‘CREATE’ ConfigMap ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx-controller
E1008 08:42:12.681161 8 reflector.go:127] k8s.io/client-go@v0.19.3/tools/cache/reflector.go:156: Failed to watch *v1beta1.Ingress: failed to list *v1beta1.Ingress: the server could not find the requested resource
E1008 08:42:14.020978 8 reflector.go:127] k8s.io/client-go@v0.19.3/tools/cache/reflector.go:156: Failed to watch *v1beta1.Ingress: failed to list *v1beta1.Ingress: the server could not find the requested resource
E1008 08:42:17.215954 8 reflector.go:127] k8s.io/client-go@v0.19.3/tools/cache/reflector.go:156: Failed to watch *v1beta1.Ingress: failed to list *v1beta1.Ingress: the server could not find the requested resource
E1008 08:42:23.462422 8 reflector.go:127] k8s.io/client-go@v0.19.3/tools/cache/reflector.go:156: Failed to watch *v1beta1.Ingress: failed to list *v1beta1.Ingress: the server could not find the requested resource
E1008 08:42:34.639582 8 reflector.go:127] k8s.io/client-go@v0.19.3/tools/cache/reflector.go:156: Failed to watch *v1beta1.Ingress: failed to list *v1beta1.Ingress: the server could not find the requested resource
E1008 08:42:57.424290 8 reflector.go:127] k8s.io/client-go@v0.19.3/tools/cache/reflector.go:156: Failed to watch *v1beta1.Ingress: failed to list *v1beta1.Ingress: the server could not find the requested resource
######################Cluster Info and Steps###########################
Kubernetes services
Node pools: 1 node pool
Kubernetes versions: 1.23.12
Node sizes: Standard_D2_v3
Authentication and Authorization:Local accounts with Kubernetes RBAC
#Create the AKS Cluster
az aks create --resource-group test-lab --name rancher-server --kubernetes-version 1.23.12 --node-count 3 --node-vm-size Standard_D2_v3
az aks get-credentials --resource-group test-lab --name rancher-server
#Install an Ingress
helm repo add ingress-nginx Welcome - NGINX Ingress Controller
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace ingress-nginx --set controller.service.type=LoadBalancer --version 3.12.0 --create-namespace
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get deploy ingress-nginx
kubectl get service ingress-nginx-controller --namespace=ingress-nginx
NAME ingress-nginx-controller
TYPE LoadBalancer
PORT(S) 80:30727/TCP,443:31190/TCP
AGE 12h
#Install Cert Manager
kubectl delete -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.7.1/cert-manager.crds.yaml
kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.7.1/cert-manager.crds.yaml
helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
helm repo update
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.7.1
kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager
#Install Rancher with Let’s Encrypt
helm repo add rancher-stable https://releases.rancher.com/server-charts/stable
kubectl create namespace cattle-system
helm install rancher rancher-stable/rancher --namespace cattle-system --set hostname=rancher.jmalabs.uk --set bootstrapPassword=admin --set ingress.tls.source=letsEncrypt --set letsEncrypt.email=jmlp1@hotmail.co.uk --set letsEncrypt.ingress.class=nginx
kubectl -n cattle-system rollout status deploy/rancher
kubectl -n cattle-system get deploy rancher