Integrating Rancher server and ELK stack

Hi All,

I am new to rancher and exploring implementation of ELK stack.I have never used logstash / Kibana earlier.
I have followed this url

However I am stuck now on how to send the logs and how to view them. I tried below steps.

  1. I created a new container with image vishnuvpotti/hostrouting ,port 7990 and set enviornment variables like ROUTE_URIS=logstash://[LogstashIP]:5000

  1. I created a new container with image vishnuvpotti/hostrouting ,port 7990 and set log driver in security tab to gelf and added in log optionswith key as gelf-address and value as udp://LogstashIP:5000

I dont know how to view the logs from these containers on Kibana.
When I opened Kibana, I am being shown this page

Can anyone please let me know what should be the next steps.
