Is there a scheduler configuration setting for SUSE RMT

Is there a scheduler option for SUSE RMT and if yes where can I configure it? meaning I want to configure the repositories to be downloaded after hours.

@paul_laubscher Hi, yes it’s done with a systemd timer, see;

I would stop the timer, then copy the timer and service file over to /etc/systemd/system and modify the timer service as required (as in configure the time you want to run), run systemctl daemon-reload and restart the timer.

Hi Malcolm thanks for replying. Correct me if I am wrong, on my RMT server under systemctl status rmt-server-sync.timer I can see that a sync will be done on Sat 2023-04-22 03:37:02?

/usr/lib/systemd/system # systemctl status rmt-server-mirror.timer
● rmt-server-mirror.timer - RMT Mirror timer
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rmt-server-mirror.timer; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2023-04-19 11:42:43 SAST; 2 days ago
Trigger: Sat 2023-04-22 03:37:02 SAST; 15h left
Triggers: ● rmt-server-mirror.service

Apr 19 11:42:43 server_name systemd[1]: Started RMT Mirror timer.
server_name:/usr/lib/systemd/system # cat rmt-server-mirror.timer
Description=RMT Mirror timer

OnCalendar=--* 02:00:00


@paul_laubscher Hi, yes with a RandomizedDelaySec=9h which will affect when it runs, have a read here to decide if you adjust/remove/tweak etc.