I’m trying to upgrade SLES11 SP1 to SP2 using Kickstart.
But, each time it does not pass the following section of formatting the client’s 2nd disk /dev/sdb1, which I don’t care about.
Installation Settings
Keyboard Layout
English (US)
Partitioning * Format partition /dev/sdb1 (279.37 GB) for / with ext3 ← This shows up as red in the screen.
I’m using the following ks.cfg file. I tried using both “zerombr” and “clearpart --all” but it’s still stuck in the same step.
cat ks.cfg
nfs --server --dir /kickstart/images/sles11SP2
keyboard “us”
lang en_US
langsupport --default en_US en_US
bootloader --upgrade
firewall --disabled
mouse genericps/2 --emulthree
clearpart --all
part / --size 2000 --grow
part swap --size 2000
part /tmp --size 3000 --grow
%packages --ignoremissing
@ Everything
If possible, I want to set up a local Zypper repository with the SP2 images on one of my servers and use Zypper to do the online hands-off upgrade on the clients.
I’m new to SuSE and was trying to use Kickstart.[/color]
Understandable (note AutoYaST is the SUSE equivalent for
automating installations).
If possible, I want to set up a local Zypper repository with the SP2
images on one of my servers and use Zypper to do the online hands-off
upgrade on the clients.
Will it be possible?[/color]
Yes that’s possible - I’ve done this myself with DVD ISOs mounted
on another Linux box served up via Apache. See section 14.2 of
the documentation I linked to in my previous reply.
Depending on how many SLES servers you have to upgrade/update you
may also want to look at the free Subscription Management Tool
(SMT)[1] or charged for SUSE Manager[2] products - I believe both
can also handle Red Hat too.