Links not working during service upgrade

I’m trying to upgrade a service but 50% of the times the links are not working, nginx in fact outputs:

11/10/2015 8:56:40 AM2015/11/10 16:56:40 [emerg] 1#1: host not found in upstream "api:8000" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:38
11/10/2015 8:56:40 AMnginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "api:8000" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:38

after a couple of tries to upgrade it works fine, someone else had this issue?

Could you provide a docker-compose.yml example of a previous service (with the linked services)? And what you are upgrading to? I’d like to try what you’re doing.

Also, what commands are you using to upgrade? The UI or rancher-compose? Are you using the rancher-compose up --upgrade or rancher-compose upgrade?

I’ve created everything from the UI, this is the compose:

    maximumRetryCount: 2
    name: on-failure
    io.rancher.container.pull_image: always
  tty: true
  image: company/project-backend:master
  stdin_open: true
    name: always
    BACKEND_URL: http://api:8000/api/dataproxy
  tty: true
  image: company/project-proxy:master
  - backend-prod:api
  stdin_open: true
    name: always
    io.rancher.container.pull_image: always
  tty: true
  image: company/project-frontend:master
  - backend-prod:api
  - proxy-prod:proxy
  stdin_open: true

To upgrade I run the upgrade from the UI just to re-pull the image

Also, the error I get is from the frontend-prod service, an nginx based service with this configuration:

  upstream api {
    server api:8000;

  upstream proxy {
    server proxy:9000;

  location ~ /api/something/[^\/]+/data {
    proxy_pass http://proxy;

Now, the service linked as api, doesn’t work at all! The frontend container can’t connect and creating new frontend containers shows that nginx error everytime!

All our services are offline because of that, and I’ve just upgraded to the latest rancher and rancher agents versions

Even when creating a new service

I’ve just tried also with service name in upstream configuration, same thing.
Changing to IP instead works fine

@denise any idea, something that I could try?

We’ve just updated the internal DNS service so would you be willing to upgrade to v0.46.0? I haven’t had the chance to try out your application, but would recommend looking into upgrading.

@denise I’ve already 0.46, in fact before upgrading links were working sometimes, after 0.46 they never had, with the link name (api in this case) and neither with the service name


location /api {
    set $api "api";
    proxy_pass http://$api:8000;

in that way the backend dns is resolved dynamically and works after nginx booting


Where does IP come from? I did not find it in docs.

It’s the ip of the network agent on each host IIRC. It’s the default dns server to provide container discovery

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FYI I’ve encountered the same problem, adding a delay with a sleep 5 before running the actuel nginx bin resolved all the dns problem.

Good to know, but still I think the dynamic dns works best, since it will also change in case the other containers gets destroyed/recreated/scaled

This is with the dynamic dns , just let 1 / 2 second so that the dns is fully setup and responding.

If you’re talking about the version with the variable, yes, otherwise, not, that’s not dynamic