Login issues with default install


I am a new user and I have a pretty bad first time experience with Rancher. I have three hosts (Digitalocean) and I have installed rancher/server:1.1.4 on one of the like this:
docker run -d -v rancher_datavolume:/var/lib/mysql --restart=always -p 8080:8080 rancher/server:v1.1.4

I was able to login at first, enable local access and add two hosts. As soon as I wanted to do something else, there was no response from the rancher/server and I was logged out. Can’t login except if I re-start the rancher/server container :confused:

This is the output I am seeing:
2016/10/31 17:28:46 http: proxy error: net/http: request canceled
time=“2016-10-31T17:29:49Z” level=error msg="Failed to pull the catalog from git repo https://github.com/rancher/community-catalog.git, error: exit status 1"
time=“2016-10-31T17:30:32Z” level=fatal msg=“Unable to start event router” error="Timed out waiting for transtion."
time=“2016-10-31T17:32:17Z” level=info msg=“Starting rancher-compose-executor” version=v0.8.6
time=“2016-10-31T17:32:24Z” level=fatal msg=“Unable to create event router” error="Get http://localhost:8080/v1: EOF"
time=“2016-10-31T17:32:57Z” level=fatal msg=“Exiting go-machine-service: Timed out waiting for transtion.”

Thanks for the help, great first user service :frowning:

Just for reference - these problems were due to low memory on the server. Eventhough Rancher should be ok with 1GB RAM, the linux subsystem started killing Rancher processes because it ran out of memory. As soon as I upgraded to 2GB RAM, the problem was solved.