Migrated rancher 1.6 disconnted from digitalocean host

I migrated rancher to another identical server simply by moving the mysql database. I wanted to test how it authenticates with/without github and so on. The problem now with the server on which I’ve migrated is that it says it has disconnected from the digital ocean hosts. I have two environments with two different hosts configured on digital ocean. How can I debug this? I’m testing it in order to do an ample migration and I to make sure that it all goes smoothly.
Any ideas how I can reconnect to these hosts or how I should start debugging this?
I’m using Rancher 1.6.25 on Ubuntu 18 with docker 18.06.1~ce~3-0~ubuntu.

Hosts open up a connection to the server using the URL that was set as the host registration URL at the time. If you move the server and it’s no longer available at that URL, you need to update the setting and reregister the hosts by running the dad custom host command on each one again.

Thanks for the tip. What I did was stop the rancher-agent container, then I rerun docker run to recreate the rancher-agent container specifying “CATTLE_AGENT_IP” and also changing the URL for the the rancher server.
The connection seems to have been remade, but I still have a problem with the rancher scheduler container. Keeps respawning over and over each time with another container-id/name.
The same thing is happening with the health-check. Any ideas how I can reset these container, so as to connect to the new rancher server?

I appreciate the help.

Forgot to add logs. This is what appears over and over on the healthcheck logs:

1/11/2019 10:24:19 AMtime=“2019-01-11T09:24:19Z” level=error msg=“Failed to report status 02c82144-9c4a-4b27-9b78-c57fa5c27533_4426f41b-24ac-4e0c-a1d2-5bdfacf89a70_1=DOWN: Bad response from [http://MY_PUBLIC_IP:8080/v1/serviceevents], statusCode [403]. Status [403 Forbidden]. Body: [{"id":"68efdde6-c2ed-4eaf-8f68-197d842c3a93","type":"error","links":{},"actions":{},"status":403,"code":"CantVerifyHealthcheck","message":"CantVerifyHealthcheck","detail":null,"baseType":"error"}]”