migrating SLES11 to SP1 caused by merging of configs ?

Hi there,
after migrating to SLES11SP1 from SLES11 I had some issue - after starting migrated and actualized system I found that postfix has a crazy merged configuration “main.cf”. My comments stays, but value was a default. For example:
inet_interfaces = localhost

is the default, we run it on my server’s IP :slight_smile:

Also $mydestination, $mynetworks, …

And I’m really sure there was a non default values, this server works a few months :slight_smile:

Isn’t it some error ? Or I didn’t read something somewhere ? Others configurations like a cyrus-imap or so aren’t affected.
For next time, I’ll make a backup copies, of course :o)
Did it happen anybody else ?

Grrr, what did I wrote ? Sorry for bad title - no “by” there :-/