Modifications in global.conf were reset by system

Hello list.

I’m running a virtual SLES10 SP2 OES with Groupwise 8.0.2.
We want to set ServerSignature off and ServerTokens Prod in /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/global.conf. I made the settings and restart apache2. When open the global.conf ServerSignature is on and ServerTokens OS ist set.
Filepermissions are 644 root root.
How can I made modifications successfully?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Best regards.

Dirk Emmermacher

[FONT=Lucida Console]#

Files in this directory are created at apache start time by /usr/sbin/rcapache2

Do not edit them!

see /etc/sysconfig/apache2[/FONT]

Hello enovaklbank.

Thanks for your answer. That was the file I searched for. With the modifications my apache don’t show the version.

Best regards
