Seems like the question has been asked many times but I found no answer:
If our nodes have multiple network adapters (2 NICs), one for Public, and one for Internal / Local data exchange, ie:
Public NIC IP
Local NIC IP
What is a default Rancher / Agent behavior for scaled instances of containers, ie: Will REDIS / ELASTICSEARCH / MARIADB know about local adaptor and will utilize internal network for all data synchronization between all linked continers? Or will it work with Production NIC and essentually overload only 1 NIC and not utilize second NIC at all for any tasks, or do I need to start up Rancher Agent with some other params like CLIENT_IP to indicate that multiple NICs should be utilized, or by pointing to internal network adaptor? In which case - would it know when to change IPTABLES rules for external / internal access?
Thank you.