I am looking for SLES 12SP4 docker images on a SLES 12 SP4 host but unable to find it. sle-module-containers/12/x86_64
module is enabled on the machine. I have followed all the steps listed on https://www.suse.com/documentation/sles-12/singlehtml/book_sles_docker/book_sles_docker.html. I am able to find SLES 12 SP3 image but not SP4.
zypper lr
Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
| Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | Containers_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Containers12-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE-Module-Containers12-Debuginfo-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
2 | Containers_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Containers12-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE-Module-Containers12-Debuginfo-Updates | No | ---- | ----
3 | Containers_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Containers12-Pool | SLE-Module-Containers12-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
4 | Containers_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Containers12-Source-Pool | SLE-Module-Containers12-Source-Pool | No | ---- | ----
5 | Containers_Module_12_x86_64:SLE-Module-Containers12-Updates | SLE-Module-Containers12-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
6 | SLES12-SP4-12.4-0 | SLES12-SP4-12.4-0 | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
7 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP4_x86_64:SLES12-SP4-Debuginfo-Pool | SLES12-SP4-Debuginfo-Pool | No | ---- | ----
8 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP4_x86_64:SLES12-SP4-Debuginfo-Updates | SLES12-SP4-Debuginfo-Updates | No | ---- | ----
9 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP4_x86_64:SLES12-SP4-Pool | SLES12-SP4-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
10 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP4_x86_64:SLES12-SP4-Source-Pool | SLES12-SP4-Source-Pool | No | ---- | ----
11 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP4_x86_64:SLES12-SP4-Updates | SLES12-SP4-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes