PHP accelerator php5-opcache with SLES12

With PHP 5.5, PHP accelerator php5-opcache is an integral part of PHP.

Unfortunately, SLES12 does currently not deliver (and thus, does currently not support) php5-opcache.

There is a feature request to deliver php5-opcache with SLES12 SP1, and you are welcome to second that feature request by contacting SLES support.

Regards, Thomas


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I have opcache for php5 running on SUSE 12. Along with nginx.

in php.ini make sure you set then go set your options in the [opcache] section.

PHP is in the web repository

Thanks for sharing this. Novell must have honoured the enhancement request, as I’m pretty sure that php5-opcache was not in the repos when I searched for it back in June.

Cheers, Tom