Private message from srisum0728

Hello Lawrence,

Sorry for bothering you on private message.

I wanted to know if you are aware of access restriction mechanism for Solaris machine, in details:

As part of LDAP implementation we need to restrict users/groups locally on solaris machine:

Options tried:
sshd_config: as far as my testing it is restricting either user or group, as per the first preference. by default I am unable to find(need some help if this is possible)

Current settings:
Ldap is configured manually not profile based and no user restriction from server end, hence we have to restrict users/group locally.

On linux machines we did below:
on /etc/security/access.conf

  • : (group) user : ALL → Allow specified group and users from all the IP/subnet.
  • : ALL : ALL → Disallow every other group and user from all IP/subnect.
    This made us to manage user access restriction locally, please let me know if there is any option to restrict users/group locally on solaris machine…