I’m launching the ‘elasticsearch’ app from the helm catalog onto a cluster and would like to constrain which nodes it runs on. Under “Detailed Descriptions” it mentions these Configuration parameters:
client.nodeSelector {}
master.nodeSelector {}
data.nodeSelector {}
Based on the Rancher docs here, the values should adhere to the format allowed by helm --set argument.
So if I want to constrain the pods to, say nodes with the “env=dev” key/pair, I would add:
But this fails with:
v1.Deployment.Spec: v1.DeploymentSpec.Template: v1.PodTemplateSpec.Spec: v1.PodSpec.NodeSelector: ReadMapCB: expect { or n, but found [, error found in #10 byte of …|elector":["“env”:|…, bigger context …|ityContext":{“privileged”:true}}],“nodeSelector”:["“env”:“dev”"],“restartPolicy”:“Always”,"sched|…
…what is the proper syntax for values of type {} ?