Questions.yml and its use

Hello friends trying to use questions.yml
and it contains variables.

- variable: customVars
  default: true
  label: Default custom vars
  type: boolean
  required: true
  show_subquestion_if: true
  group: "Vars"
    - variable: env.ENVCOLOR
      type: boolean
      label: ENVCOLOR
      default: "fuchsia-1"
      required: true

how can i use this block in deployment
which describes for example, and can I use it like this:

        - name: "TZ"
          value: "Europe/Moscow"
        {{- if .jaegerHostAgent }}
        - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST
              fieldPath: status.hostIP
        - name: JAEGER_AGENT_PORT
          value: "5775"
        - name: JAEGER_URL
          value: "$(JAEGER_AGENT_HOST):$(JAEGER_AGENT_PORT)"
        - name: JAEGER_HOST
          value: "$(JAEGER_AGENT_HOST)"
        - name: JAEGER_PORT
          value: "$(JAEGER_AGENT_PORT)"
        {{- end }}
        {{- with .env }}
        {{- range . }}
        - name: {{ .name }}
          value: {{ .value | quote }}
        {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
        {{- if $.Values.customVars }}
        {{- with $.Values.env }}
        {{- range . }}
        - name: 
          value: ""
        {{- end }}
        {{- end }}

I will be grateful for any help, I am new to this matter, thank you very much!