Rancher 2.6.7 Imporing Cluster throws Cluster health check failed: Failed to communicate with API server during namespace check

I have Rancher v2.6.7 deployed into the k3s cluster. I imported RKE2 cluster v1.24.1. I am seeing an odd behaviour on rancher UI where rke2cluster shows this error “Cluster health check failed: Failed to communicate with API server during namespace check: Get “”: context deadline exceeded”. I looked at the cluster agent pods they keep restarting itself and sometimes into crashloopbackoff. @shlomi I’d appreciate any help on this

I ran kubectl logs on one of the cattle cluster agent pod and after a few mins this is the error i see “ERROR: https://rancher.my-domain.io:8448/ping is not accessible (Failed to connect to rancher.my-domain.io port 8448: Connection timed out”

@sagarip009 did your core-dns pod in your imported cluster can resolve rancher url?