Rancher 2 Private Docker Registry?

After a week of trial-and-error and some Googling I figured it out.


To me the above indicated the issue was with Rancher-Kubernetes. Turns out this was actually Docker related.

On the host that will be running the Rancher agent container, prior to pulling the rancher agent image and running it as a container, add the certificate for your private Docker Registry to the trusted certificates on the host; then, this is the crucial part —restart the Docker daemon.

cp /mnt/certs/vhdocker.hosp.domain.com.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
systemctl restart docker.service
ls /etc/ssl/certs | awk /vhdocker.hosp/

(Not sure if it’s necessary, but I also did this on the host that will be running my Rancher server container)


  1. Install private Docker registry cert on host that will run the Rancher server container
  2. Restart Docker daemon
  3. Run Rancher server image as a container
  4. Install private Docker registry cert on host that will run the Rancher client container
  5. Restart Docker daemon
  6. Run Rancher client image as a container

After this I was able to deploy a workload from an image in my private Docker Registry.