Rancher bootstrapping issue

Rancher version: 2.6.8
Installation method: Helm
Helm repo: https://releases.rancher.com/server-charts/stable

After installing rancher, I tried to bootstrap it, using rancher terraform provider and next tf configuration:

resource "rancher2_bootstrap" "admin" {
  provider         = rancher2.bootstrap
  initial_password = "Password1"
  password         = local.rancher_bootstrap_password
  telemetry        = false

For some reason after few minutes, creating of this process fails with the following error log:

│ **Error:** **[ERROR] Updating token: Bad response statusCode [403]. Status [403 Forbidden]. Body: [baseType=error, code=Forbidden, message=settings.management.cattle.io "k8s-version" is forbidden: User "user-bfkj6" cannot get resource "settings" in API group "management.cattle.io" at the cluster scope] from [https://rancher-internal.foo.bar.com/v3/settings/k8s-version]**


│ with rancher2_bootstrap.admin,

│ on main.tf line 48, in resource "rancher2_bootstrap" "admin":

│ 48: resource "rancher2_bootstrap" "admin" {

That user has GlobalBindingRole to admin role, so it should has access to Setting CRD.

Also there are a lot of such error messages in rancher pod:

2022/09/09 09:07:41 [ERROR] Failed to connect to peer wss:// [local ID=]: websocket: bad handshake

I’ve also tried to bootstrap rancher via UI, but after entering bootstrap password the only thing I see is the white screen.

Any ideas?

Hi, were you able to resolve this issue, I am facing a very similar issue.

Hi @psinclair , for me it helped to remove rke2=disabled from helm chart options