Rancher Release - v1.3.1

Release v1.3.1


Note: With our new infrastructure services, we no longer launch a network agent and have moved to a specific HAProxy image for load balancers. Therefore, we no longer need rancher/agent-instance.


  • Starting with version 1.2.0, Rancher no longer supports AWS ELBs and only supports AWS ALB (Application Load Balancers). Please update your high availability setups to use ALBs.
  • When upgrading from prior v1.2.x releases, please check your infrastructure stacks to make sure your services are up to date. If an “Upgrade Available” button is shown, please upgrade to the latest service. Complete upgrading each individual infrastructure stack before moving on to the next stack.
  • For every Rancher release, we have moved to tagging specific load balancer images (i.e. rancher/lb-service-haproxy) for load balancer services. If you have upgraded from a previous version of Rancher and a newer load balancer image has been released, a symbol will appear next to the load balancer name to indicate a newer image is available for that Rancher version. It’s recommended to upgrade to this latest image for load balancers.
  • If you are upgrading from 1.1.x to v1.2.2, please read the v1.2.0 release notes on important notes about the upgrade.

Rancher Server Tags

Rancher server has 2 different tags. For each major release tag, we will provide documentation for the specific version.

  • rancher/server:latest tag will be our latest development builds. These builds will have been validated through our CI automation framework. These releases are not meant for deployment in production.
  • rancher/server:stable tag will be our latest stable release builds. This tag is the version that we recommend for production.

Please do not use any release with a rc{n} suffix. These rc builds are meant for the Rancher team to test out builds.

v1.3.1 has been tagged as rancher/server:latest and rancher/server:stable.

Infrastructure Services Note

In this version, we’ve added a new scheduler entry, which should be upgraded before network-services as it fixes a bug when upgrading network-services.

Known Major Issues

Major Bug Fixes since v1.3.0

  • Fixed an issue where the download links for compose and CLI were older versions [#7361]
  • Fixed an issue where Kubernetes Dashboard wasn’t loading occasionally [#7320] Note: If your dashboard was not working in v1.3.0, you will need to remove the kubernetes-dashboard-xxx pod after upgrading. You can find the pod in the kube-system namespace, under KubernetesPods.

Rancher-Compose Downloads

Rancher CLI Downloads